4.10 – Sydney Goes to the Home & Garden Show and Hates it

For today’s episode Sydney gets sent to the Home & Garden Show and hates it. We also discuss the best places to thrift, the proper way to throw a convention, and a big announcement at the very end of the episode.

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Welcome everybody to the I Went Outside Today podcast. This is one of your three hosts, Chris. This is Sheryl. Hi, I’m Sydney. I did the thing.
Sheryl and I were looking at the crypto prices going up and up and we knew that Sydney has all of our money in crypto and now it’s going up. We know you’ll be able to get your very own turret house that you’ve been planning forever. One day. One day.
One day. Now one of the ideas of what we did throw around was to drive you to open houses to make you look at homes. Then we found out the Edmonton Home and Garden Show was in town so we decided to send you that instead. If you were trying to make me go to a bunch of open houses, I would have gotten out of the car and left.
What do you have against open houses? You’ve just gone into the woods. I don’t know.
It’s weird and awkward. I feel like people can smell the poor on me. Just go to Value Village and get some rich people clothes that still have rich smell on it.
Okay, they’re too expensive. The CBC or the CNN or the news. I don’t know which one did a whole expose on Value Village.
That’s only in the big towns. You go over to where do we go? I went to our Value Village.
Stony Plain. They were charging $5 for an empty wine bottle. What did you do with the wine bottle when you brought it home? I didn’t buy it. Rude. You’ve got to go to the small towns.
They don’t hire those people to go through and super price everything so you can get the good stuff cheaper. Where did you guys go? We went to Stony Plain. You got something good? Yeah.
We got a bunch of good stuff. Yeah. Got some plastic resin shelves.
Yep. To hold hundreds and hundreds of pounds of cursed items. Listen to our new podcast, Probably Cursed. I have it, by the way. Sorry. You have to.
You’re going to guest star on it one day. I don’t like cursed stuff. It’s probably cursed. Make no promises.
As she eyes the wooden chest in front of her. That’s definitely cursed. Well, is that for this episode? No.
Okay. You’ll figure out what it’s for. Oh, you’ll find out soon. I can leave. I have Uber money now. Cashing out some of your crypto early?
Worry about yourself. Well, yeah, we figured instead of taking you to open houses because we don’t know how many turret homes are getting open houses. We sent you to the Home and Garden show instead. I already know the best turret house too. It’s in Strathcona.
It’s a big goth number and has a big turret. And do you know how old the people who are living in it? It’s newly built. No one’s living in it.
It’s a newly built gothic turret house? Yeah. Okay.
You don’t know where all the turret houses are? No. That’s embarrassing for you. I’m on EdmontonTurretHouse.com every day.
I signed up for the email alerts. Anyway. So we figure the second best thing is you’re going to have to add some decor to your home. I’ll send you to the Edmonton Home and Garden show, which is, according to the description, a vibrant marketplace where you can shop for home related products and services, experience stunning displays to help inspire your next home project, connect with industry experts.
I bet you connected with all of them, Sydney. And enjoy informative presentations from renowned local and international home professionals. Whether you’re joining us at the Edmonton Expo Center with a specific project in mind or just looking for some inspiration, our local home professionals have you covered. 450 plus booths to explore and several unique feature displays to enjoy.
This is a valuable event for all Edmonton homeowners. Did you get any inspiration, Sydney? I didn’t read any of the description and honestly, I really didn’t want to go. But I said no to so many events that Sheryl said you’re going to the next thing we pick. And then she didn’t ask me about it. She just said, where can I email this ticket to?
Yup. You didn’t want to go to the Freedom Rally. I did not want to be seen at the Freedom Rally. I can’t decide what’s worse if you bump into someone there that you know who’s probably not an undercover podcast person and is just truly crazy alt-right. Or if someone sees you there and thinks that you’re crazy alt-right.
We’ll make you press badges for the next event we send you to. So you have some backup there? No. And you didn’t want to go to the discussion on how governments are trying to squash religion?
No, I didn’t. With our former premier, Jason Kenney. To be fair, he didn’t want to go either end canceled. There you go. I should have said yes and then I would have come out looking like the good guy there.
That’s true. I think you found out you didn’t want to go. It’s like, oh, there’s no point. Yeah.
But anyway, I didn’t want to go to this either, but Sheryl already spent $7. Yup. And we reasoned that it being on one end of the LRT line, then you live on the other. Yes, I was glad that you remembered my feedback from the fucking wedding convention you sent me to. That place was so hard to get to. Oh my god. So I figured this one is a little teensy-eatsy bit easier.
Yeah, and I’ve been to a ton of trade shows at Edmonton Expo. Humble brag. That was fine.
What other types? That was a brag. It was on a humble one. What other types of expos have you been to? What was it called? It’s like the same trade show. It as in one? No, like the one at Edmonton Expo. It’s the same show that comes every year that retailers go to.
The Edmonton Home and Gift Market. It might be. I don’t know. It’s there every year. It’s like a big retail thing. And then all the goth brands show up.
So like Sanctuary and Mars and Venus, all of them would go to that thing. Talk about trends? No. But anyway, I used to go order all the goth clothes for the store I used to work at. Yeah, nice. That thing. So I’ve been to that one a bunch of times. And then I went to a tech convention in Vegas one time.
That’s not at the Edmonton Expo. I’m very trade show savvy and I know all of the stuff about it and how to do it. You know everything. And you know all about the Edmonton Home and Gift Shop. Yeah. So you’re about to regale us about what each and every one of the 450 plus vendors was selling.
No. So I really didn’t want to go and it was hanging over my head all day and kind of ruined my Saturday and I had a headache. But then I dragged myself to bed and finally went because I was like, you just have to get on the train. What would you have done if we didn’t get you to go outside yesterday?
Probably bedrotted and watched like seven hours of Tik Tok. Okay. That’s how the morning was kind of shaping up. I see. So then I just get on Tik Tok and right now I’m watching all the true stories by Ray William Johnson.
They’re very addictive. Ah, the murderer. He’s not a murderer. I don’t know who it is. It’s just this guy.
He does these things. But I know people with three names are typically serial killers. Do they have the three names before or after their murderers? Jeffrey Dommer only has two names. That was before the rule gotten because like until him, they didn’t know who was a serial killer. Ted Bundy. And then afterwards. Does the Zodiac Killer count as three names?
I feel like it doesn’t. He’s probably got three names. Okay. I mean, we’ve all got three names.
It’s called a first name, a middle name, and a last name. Anyway, I didn’t want to go to your stupid home and garden show. I got on the train and I went there because it’s easy to get on the train. So that was like the saving grace of everything. And then when I walked in to the entrance closest to the train station, there was this thing called like Lighthouse immersive Disney adventure. And I was like these assholes, like I could have gone to this Disney thing that looks really cool. And I have to go to the home and garden show. And I was like, I want to go to the Disney thing instead. And so then I was like, let me see how much it costs. And it was $37. Yeah. And I was like, it’s a bit pricey.
It’s a bit pricey to like spend on the spot. And I was like, let me go check into this home and garden thing because I saw people walking around with these bags and I reckoned if I checked in, I would get a free one. And then I stood in the home and garden show for like 25 minutes trying to Google how to get into the Disney thing with a discount, like looking for promo codes, discount codes. I tried a bunch of them.
Nothing worked. And I was like, it’s $37. Really that expensive. But you have Uber money now. I do have Uber money now, but it’s only like $17 to Uber here. $37 is like a lot of money. That’s two to three Ubers.
Yeah. It’s like a Uber and a half. I don’t like math.
Anyway. Depends if you tip. So once I couldn’t find, I always tip. Once I couldn’t find a discount. I was like, let me, if it’s, if it’s worth it, then maybe I’ll just pay $37. And I thought that would be really funny if I just showed up and did like a whole Disney thing instead and or two for one.
I don’t know. And then all of the riot reviews were really, really bad. Everyone was like, like, it’s so overpriced for what it is. People were saying they spent $400 on like pre like four premium tickets and that you’re better off to just go watch a movie. Like people were pissed. And like when I was reading the description, I was like, it sounds like you just are walking around watching clips of Disney movies, but like surely there’s more to it. Is it like the Willy Wonka experience? That’s kind of the vibe from Reddit was like it’s not worth it.
Silver price. Wow. You know, people are really mad. So then, well, wow, it looked like really exciting to look at it, but I guess I’m stuck with the Home and Garden show.
So like, let’s just make the best of a bad situation. So then I started walking around the Home and Garden show and I have pamphlets to remember all of the stuff that I saw. What was the first thing you saw when you walked into the door? I don’t even know because I was Googling how to get into the Disney thing. There was like a cute little market thing.
And then when I saw that they had like craft stuff, I was like, oh, that’s good. I thought this was literally 24 hours ago and you’re like, I don’t know. I don’t know. You have retrograde amnesia. Worry about yourself. So what are the things that happened?
It’s like that movie, Memento. Did you have to talk to strangers? A limited amount of strangers. I was walking around and so then when I started walking around, I thought it would be really funny to just get the brochures from all of the hot tub places because they think that you guys should have a hot tub because I would just like to point out that I don’t have a home or a garden.
So this was a silly thing to send me to. You are on the cusp of having your own home and a garden mom will probably live in. I need a car first. You don’t have a house without a car? I think it’s better to have a car. How do you think people live before a car? The public transit is really bad in this city.
Are you going to live in your car? Maybe. I mean, it’s a twofer. I have a rule against things that only do one thing.
So maybe I’ll principle live in my car. I know the RV show is also the same weekend. Maybe we should have sent you that one.
That would have been good. I like RVs. Alright. Too late. Anyway. There’s no turrets on an RV, Sydney. That’s true.
That’s really true. I’m going to have to make one. So I thought it would be funny to just get all the hot tub brochures.
Hot tub people are weird and they don’t give you… I’ve been to these shows before and people usually have brand minimum business cards. Minimum business cards. So I was just going to go get all the hot tub business cards or like foldies like this or something to give away. Hot tub people have nothing. And if they do even have something, it’s usually like the sign up form for more information. And it’s in the middle of all the hot tubs.
You have to go into their layer and I didn’t want to talk to anyone. So I’m like, well, that idea is out. But I still think that you should get a hot tub because I have no space for one. Or how’s you say have a hot tub? You should get another one. I saw a really big one. That would be good.
I will send you photos later. So that idea went out the window and I also had my headphones in on ambient noise like for most of the show. So that when people would try and speak to me, I would just go like that and they would see my earbud. Oh, you’re pretending to be a deaf person. No, I was pretending to have headphones in. But you did have headphones in though. So I wasn’t even pretending because I’m not a liar.
But they were on ambient noise so I could hear everything that was happening. So you were a liar. No. And then I just that was helped me not acknowledge anyone that didn’t feel like acknowledging. So that was great. So then I walked around the first person that I talked to. What was their name?
I don’t know. I didn’t get her name. But I saw the brochure for the dancing, the Chinese dancing people. And I thought, oh, I’ve seen clips of that.
That looks cool. Are they coming? And then that lady came right up to me and tried to sell me really, really hard. And I’ve been to the ballet for like 60 bucks. So if it had been affordable, I would totally go. But they have the special pricing here and it was just sort of out of budget for me.
Probably would have been a good show, but she was just trying to sell me really hard on it. But it’s like in a week or two. So, you know, like usually where where I sit is like $145.
So it’s just a bit pricey for something you’re not planning to do. But she’s selling me so hard. She’s like, this is the best show.
It’s all the culture. And you know, it’s the best thing. And I’m like, I don’t doubt that. Like, so like, look, she’s dancing.
It’s very colorful and exciting. I saw someone dance before. And then I wanted to stop talking to her because I knew I couldn’t really afford to go last minute. And she’d have told her and maybe she would have been like, I’ll pay for your ticket and we’ll go together.
And you could have had a new friend. Well, I just said, you know, I would really love to take my mom to that, but I’m not sure if she’s free. So I’ll have to step away to call her to figure out if she’s free.
And then I just was like, now I’m stuck at this convention and I got to remember not to walk up and down that aisle again. So you lied to someone else. Straight to their face. Right.
I feel like she knew. Sorry. But if I had the money, this is called Shen Yun. And if I had the money, I would go. So if Sydney’s ever at your event, just know that everything she’s doing and saying is a slight deception. It might be. So then I was wandering back and forth and I was trying to kill at least an hour at this stupid garden show because I wanted to go to Tord and look at the clearance section because I was just trying to get like active wear on sale. So I was like, you got to put in at least an hour here. $7 per hour.
So the hour is coming to a close. I saw this big dog and it was like a German shepherd, but it was all black. So it looked like a big wolf.
So I just followed that dog around for a while and it was part of something called Ned’s wish or something, which is for like retired police dogs. Oh, yeah. So that killed some time. And then I was like, I’m going to get out of here. Were you just killing time?
Yeah. Why didn’t you do anything? Well, I did. And then they had like a crafty center pop up shop and I was like, I’ll get like a treat for the podcast for recording, which now you can’t have because you’ve interrogated me. But I went and I got an interview.
We’re interviewing you. Oh, well, thank you. You’re welcome.
I got these cookies as a present for us to have on the podcast and because I’m out of full time retainer wear so I can eat during the daytime now. Yay. Very exciting.
So we’re celebrating. And the reason that I got these specific cookies is because the lady didn’t try to sell them to me. She actually when I went up to her, like I saw her before one time and she did like a nod and smile, not like a hello miss. Do you like cookies? And like, I don’t like that energy. I like the smile and nod. So then I went back to get cookies from her. And even when I went up, she wasn’t even fully looking at me because she was looking at her phone. So it was very non threatening for me. So then I bought six cookies from her and they cost $20, which I did not know what I bought.
Wow. And this is great North cookie. There’s a picture of a beaver on there, which is the main ingredients. A cookie to have. I’m going to have a carrot cake cookie. And they’re all very chew and ice and she had cookie monster ones, but I wanted a box of cookies.
So then I bought the cookies and I was like, let me blow this can popsicle stand. I’ve done two laps. I followed this dog.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, I’ve done the most that I can do. What did you even see while you’re there besides hot tubs and a dog? Cookies and cookies. Yeah. And I don’t know, like some tile stuff. Do you care about tiles? We’re going to get some tile. Well, they have tiles there. You should have gone to kind of tile. The square kind. Yeah. Did they have the rectangle kind?
I didn’t go up to any of the vendors. I was like, let me blow this popsicle stand. So you wasted Sheryl’s money. So I was there for an hour and as I was walking out, I see this giant sign and it says more exhibits this way. And I want to leave because I want to go to the shop before it closes. And I thought, fuck me, I better do a whole. And I’ve been here a bunch of times. So I know that every hall is really big.
So if there’s a whole other hall, it’s massive, right? And I’m like, oh, let me go do a once around. Because I’m a nice person that will go see the whole exhibit for investigative journalism purposes. I don’t think you investigated much.
I did investigate. I went to the next one. They had more hot tubs and they still had no… What was the best hot tub you sell? Handouts.
None of them. Like have a business card. I don’t want to… No, like they, we, Sheryl and I have been to it before. They have the hot tubs out on the floor. They have the hot tubs out on the floor, but they don’t have like business cards or anything.
Yeah, but was there a specific hot tub you saw that you were like, that one is the one that Chris and Sheryl should have? The big ones. The big ones. The really big ones.
With which features? We could just dig a big hole in the yard and fill it with boiling water. I would be into that. That’s fine with me, but I feel like you’re not supposed to dig so you should get in above ground blood. Why can’t you dig? I don’t know. Call the digging people. I’m not the authority on digging, but I don’t… You didn’t talk to the salesman, did you? At all.
None of them. I’m not going to talk to a hot tub salesman, okay? They could have told you why you don’t dig a big pit in your yard and fill it with boiling water.
Listen, if I had spoken to a hot tub salesman, we would be having a very different conversation because I would be in trouble and on the hook for a hot tub loan. So, you just be… I’m very easy to peer pressure into things. I’m just getting that broke. I mean, they’re gonna get as far as where do we deliver your hot tub to and you’re like, oh, I don’t have a place to put it. Actually, I should put it on our stupid zero scape lawn at my house.
I don’t know where I found this. It’s just a good, folding one. That’s just a good one.
What drew you to the pamphlet that you had just handed, Sheryl? I think I just grabbed a bunch of random stuff, but there’s a good card in here that was for really good wildlife ones. This one, I got you that card.
Thank you. They had really, really good stuffies and stuff. I was at their store two weeks ago. Yeah, they have good stuff.
So that’s a good thing that I saw, Chris. Thank you. Stuff as in… Like bird stuffies and animal stuffies. That’s where I got my seeds. It’s about nature and all that. So then I’m walking around the whole second thing, judging all the hot tub booths, get a big one. I don’t know. I didn’t ask any questions. I don’t know the different… How big?
I don’t know the different options. Like big, big, big one. I mean, they’re all big. This one you could like swim a lap in. So swimming pool. But it’s a hot tub.
A hot swimming pool? Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Plug it right out there. You could do it. I believe in you. It would be good if you had one. I’m telling you this house used to have one. The steps that lead into the yard, that was where it was. So you’d walk off the deck out there into the hot tub. And you didn’t come with the house?
No. It came with a big dead rectangle patch on the lawn where the hot tub used to be. And a big scary cable underneath the deck where they used to attach the hot tub. There are a lot of work to maintain. And you got to run them like all the time. Yeah.
If you want to use them in the winter, they have to be continually running. That was expensive. Like buying a hot tub is expensive, but then maintaining that hot tub is expensive. So if you’re going to help us pay for the hot tub, sure. I hope you use the hot tub. There will be a subscription fee you’ll have to pay.
No. I was just going to fucking subscription fees these days. Anyway, what else do they… It’s called hot tub plus.
I don’t know. They just have like tile stuff. There wasn’t really any garden stuff also. It was all like landscaping stuff. That’s part of garden.
No. There was like big waterfall fixture displays and stuff. And that was all fine. The second and there was the most fun stuff in the first room because they had like the craft market. The second and third room didn’t have that much exciting stuff.
The second was mostly like landscaping stuff and the bird people. And then the third room because when I got to the second room, then I saw another hallway and I was like, this is never going to end. This is literally hell.
And in hell, I’m never going to escape the home and garden show. You really wish you had gone to the Freedom Convention at this point, didn’t you? You know, I was thinking how bad could a Freedom Convention be. You could have just went to downtown, listened to a guy shout out a bunch of nonsense through megaphone and that would have been the end of your day. I just feel like I’m still traumatized from the Creationist Museum.
You could have saw him there and give him a high five. Probably. And so like the alt-right is just not for me.
But anyway, so I don’t know. I looked at all this stuff in the second room. I went in the third room. I looked at all this stuff. What was in the second room?
I told you, like the landscaping stuff. What was in the first room? Big water for the craft market. What was in the third room? The third room had a huge Sealy display or not Sealy, sleep country, Canada display. So all the mattresses and stuff and… Sorry, you keep changing the order of these rooms.
It’s hard to follow. No. So the third room had all the mattresses on display and then… How many did you lie on? None. Gross. I have a mattress. I don’t need to be lying on public mattresses.
That’s not for me. Haven’t you ever been to a hotel? Hotels do have public mattresses. Also, the last time you bought a mattress, did you actually try it out or did you just pick it based on looks and be like, well… No, I had to lay on them and it was super weird. I bought mine at Sears. Was it weird because the sales guy lied down next to you on the bed?
No, thank God. He was pretty chill. But also I got a really good deal on my mattress because I went on Sears Day. Good job.
But I brought a safety friend because I don’t like to talk to salespeople. And so she came in and lied on mattresses with me. Well done.
So, thanks friend. But anyway, so then they had all the mattresses. The only thing that’s interesting in mattresses in case you’re wondering is like everyone has like hospital bed. You know how like your hospital thing sits up? Oh, they’re all foldy. They’re all folding out for in your house. Yep.
So that’s new. So what was it like when you lied in those ones? I didn’t lie in those ones.
I just observed them. Did it have you thinking about your mattress at home and how it’s garbage? No, I have a really good mattress. But does it fold up like the hospital? No, but I don’t need a folding mattress. Do you? Yeah.
Is everything okay? Do you need a folding mattress? This was the only thing in the mattress room that drew your eye and I wondered.
Oh, it just wasn’t that deep. I just observed that there was mattresses. And then I forget what else was even in that room, honestly. Was there pillows? Blankets? Teddy bears? Dog beds.
Maybe. There’s a big truck. A big blue truck. Was there a bed in the truck? No. Like those race car beds?
No. And somewhere in one of the rooms there was like tiny homes, which was fun. The first room had tiny homes. You do like tiny things. I do like tiny things. What was it like being inside the little tiny homes on display? I didn’t go inside the little tiny homes.
Why not? And then in the third room, I was like, okay, I’ve done the whole fucking exhibit. I can leave now. And then I just sat down at this stage area to like get all my stuff kind of sorted because I was carrying my jacket and all that so that I could leave. And then they announced that someone was coming on the stage and I was like, that sounds terrible. And then they were like, it’s like this guy, hang on.
And then you’re like documentation so I could tell you his name. Was he one of the slurredy guests? Yeah, he did a talk. I’m looking at the show guide.
There’s gonna be a lot of dead air in this episode. I’m trying to figure this out. Don’t worry, I just cut it out and put it after all your jokes. That’s very rude. So since Sydney doesn’t know the name, I am going to assume she didn’t really go at all and she didn’t end up going to the… Look at all the stuff I have.
Go to the Disney exhibit. I didn’t. I just assume you went through the garbage outside the entry of the hall. I brought you cookies. You monster.
This might also be from the garbage. So anyway. So you heard some guy was getting called to the stage. Some guy was getting called to the stage. So Sleep Country Canada stage.
Finally some meat to the sandwich. And I was like just trying to organize my stuff and go. And then this guy comes on to the Sleep Country Canada stage and he’s from Sleep Country Canada and he had like a suit and he was all like, Hey, I’m from Sleep Country Canada and we’re going to talk about sleep. I was like, Sheryl has been bitching that she is not having a nice time sleeping. So I will get some sleep advice for her. Well, thank you. And there’ll be some good content for the podcast because I did a thing and you spent this whole time thinking I didn’t do a thing.
And I attended a talk on sleep from a sleep expert guy. Hold on. I’m going to make a prediction. His entire thing is going to be like, you know what?
You need a better mattress by one of our mattresses. You would think that that would be the direction that he would go, but it wasn’t. Okay, good. And then so he starts talking and you know, people. What was he talking about? Well, he came on and he was like, or they were like, give a warm round of applause for blah, blah, blah. And it was like a real sad applause. I was like, was there like five of you in the audience?
Yeah. And then he came on and he was like, let’s try that again, get everyone warmed up. He’s like, I know none of you here for me. You’re all waiting for Scott McGillivray, who was like the big celebrity person that was going to be.
I don’t know who that is. And then, but he kind of made it. But you do know now, right? No, I left. I didn’t watch his talk because I didn’t care. But I watched the sleep guy talk.
Well done. And so he’s like, you know, I appreciate that you’re all just waiting for the next guy to come on, but we’re going to have some fun. We’re going to talk about how to get a good night’s sleep. And there’s going to be prizes. And I was like, I like prizes.
But I probably am not going to win a prize because I don’t do audience participation because not for me. I don’t like it. That’s it’s literally for you.
And it’s because what it’s why they’re giving you out prizes. It’s for a noisy audience people. Not for, I don’t want to shout out loud and all that kind of stuff. But they’re encouraging it. But I don’t want to. It’s not, I don’t like it.
That’s why you didn’t get freebies. The story is not done. So then he says, you know, who here knows how many hours of sleep you’re supposed to get a night at the average adult. But keep in mind, I can’t hear you screaming stuff out. So use your hands. So a lady does this five and two for like seven hours for the average adult and she wins a fucking pillow.
Like and pillows are kind of expensive. Yeah. I’m like, holy shit, I can do this. They need to rethink your whole audience participation. Right. I like, you don’t even have to scream anything out. So now I am like, revelation for Sydney alert.
Now I have stopped looking at Google Maps to figure out if I can still make it to Torrid. I’m going to win a pillow. And then so he’s talking about, he kind of went through the basics of sleep. I, or he went through what like the 10 things that Canadians say stops them from getting sleep. Right.
A bunch of them were just a different word for injury. It’s because they’re not watching TV in bed. They’re not eating in bed.
And now they’re up all night because they’re bored and hungry. Not that wasn’t one of them. Arthritis was one of them.
Yeah. Sickness was one of them. Insomnia was one of them. And I actually didn’t know he said that in having insomnia, it means that you cannot fall asleep within 15 minutes of laying down. And I was like, oh shit, I have insomnia. There is a bunch of types of insomnia, but you talk about the waking up one too, which I also have a little bit, but I just take drugs for that now.
Well supplements, not drugs, baby drugs from Costco. So we talked a little bit about insomnia. And then he did obviously do a lot of pitching about mattresses because he is a mattress salesman. But he does make some, some valid points about you don’t spend as much time on any other piece of furniture as your mattress, right? You spend a third of your life sleeping.
So I would say it wasn’t without merit. So he invited you out from the audience to lie down on a bed with him. Christ. cozy up, Nick.
Let’s do each other. There was no bed on his sleep country Canada stage. It was just like a home and garden display behind him.
It’d be cool if the stage was a mattress and he’s bouncing around. You would think so. Like they paid for it, but I don’t know.
They did what they did. So now I’m like on a mission. Now I have a purpose. I’m going to win something. You had a purpose and a mission. We sent you on with a purpose and a mission.
This is the podcast. Do you know how exciting it is to a pillow is like $50 on the cheap side? Like that’s exciting. It depends on the pillow. Okay. Sleep country Canada.
Okay. Their cheapest pillow is the $99. It is a buy one, get one free. So their cheapest pillow is $50. And their pillows are actually a lot more.
I’m going to fight you later. And most of their pillows are more expensive than that because it’s a buy one, get one. Really, you’re just paying the price of two pillows. I imagine, but whatever. So he has a couple more questions and I don’t get one. And I’m like, I’m not going to win anything. And then he goes, who here knows how often you’re supposed to replace your mattress. And I’m like ready. Right. And I go, and I put up 10 fingers.
Place your replace your mattress every 10 years. And he looks at me. He goes, that was so fast. Give that lady a pillow. And I won a pillow. Ooh, congratulations. You won a 4950 pillow.
For Sheryl, cause she’s having trouble sleeping. Well, thank you. I got you a present. I won that with my hands. Well done.
And then he said, so I got one and one other guy that answered pretty fast got one. Congratulations on your pillow that you just gave away. Thank you. Also congratulations on your pillow that you just got.
Thank you. Well, he said that good pillows are important for good sleep. And I do have two really good pillows already.
For sure. I thought, Sheryl, you can try a new pillow, report back. He also said for most foam pillows, when you buy them new, you should like keep them on the couch and like compress and uncompress them. Because if you don’t like, some people don’t like the smell of a new pillow. And it’s because foam gets air bubbles trapped in it. So you just have to compress and uncompress a few times. And then the smell will go away.
You gotta jump up and down on them. Yeah, he did also say get a good pillow protector. So I only want you the pillow. You can look into the pillow protector depending on your feelings. So a pillowcase. No, it’s a pillow protector.
Very different. Freddie seems to. It protects it. A pillowcase protects the pillow. But in a different way than a pillow protector. So I won the pillow and it was very exhilarating.
Well done. And the rest of the talk was pretty good. Like if that guy started a cult, I would probably join it.
He’s very charismatic. And yes, obviously he said buy a new mattress to get a good sleep. But he said that we were wrong about the 10 year rule and that basically when you stop getting a good night’s sleep is when it’s time to replace your mattress. So every night.
Yeah. So I don’t know, maybe you need a little replacing your mattress. There’s a death in the family and you lose your job or something and you can’t sleep at night. It’s just the mattress will set everything right. He did say he was like, I can’t help with stress.
That was another reason that Canadians don’t sleep with stress. He was like, I don’t have the answers for that. That’s Sealy. Yeah. No, no, no.
He had no answers for stress. That’s a mattress, mattress, the mattress store. Oh, Sealy. He also said is, I don’t know.
He said something about we invented a the coil, the pocket coil mattress. Yes. It’s a Canadian invention. Yeah.
That’s another thing I just remembered. Good job. Probably should have wrote some of this stuff.
He said down, there was like lots of interesting statistics and stuff, but I don’t remember any of them. It’s because you’re looking up bus routes to get out of there. No, I was excited that I won a pillow. I never win anything and I just won it so fast. Like, well done. I just did a really good job and then I was wrong publicly. I think Sheryl’s whole thing where she broke all of your curses, I think it worked. It turned your life around. You’re welcome.
I did win a pillow. So. You’re welcome.
You’re welcome. Technically, Sheryl earned that pillow. Well, I was like, I’m going to win it for Sheryl because she’s having a bad time sleeping and you’re supposed to try changing your pillow and if that doesn’t work, your mattress. Probably can’t win you a free mattress. That’s okay. He also said that coil mattresses are on the way out. Yeah.
If you want one, pick one up. Why are they on the way out? It’s because they hate Canada. I don’t know. Everyone’s doing foam now. Oh, it’s because they can do a bed in a box. Probably. Yeah.
Yeah. And he says that the technology is there. So, there are really good coil mattresses. He says the most high-end mattress that Sleep Country Canada sells is $22,000 and it’s a pocket coil mattress.
$22,000. Yeah. That’s like a car. I know. Wild. Is that where you’re going to spend your Bitcoin on?
Worry about yourself. No, I would probably go foam because mattresses are so heavy. You would know you moved my mattress for me at the time. I worked in a mattress factory stacking mattresses for like two weeks.
Like a princess in the pink. It was a terrible job. I hated it.
Turns out no one else hated it because everyone else was high all the time and I forgot to do that part. That was the secret. Yeah. And also he said that the double is on the way out.
So I have a lot of really interesting facts about mattress trends. The double. The double. Yeah.
Oh. Like twins you buy for kids, right? So that’s in fashion and then most people go straight to a queen. Yeah. But I have a double. So that’s sad news for me. It is really hard to find sheets.
The future is now, Sydney. I’ve thought about upgrading to a queen just because it’s so fucking hard to find sheets for a double because no one has one except for me. Just put queen sheets on a double. They’ll be loose. You’ll just have extra sheets.
No. So comfy. Sometimes I flail pretty violently in my sleep and then it’ll come off.
It’ll be irritating. I think we have king sheets on our queen. I’m pretty sure we have king sheets on our queen.
Why? Because A, the fitted sheet does not untuck as easily because it’s tucked under the whole mattress instead of just kind of loosely on it. And B, the quilt does not get taken away as often when you’re sharing a bed with somebody because there’s so much extra quilt. So how long was this tucked by the mattress mattress guy? 40 minutes.
40 minutes? Yeah. Riveting stuff?
Yeah. Was it all pillows that he was giving away? Pillows. He gave some slippers away. He gave away a $5.
How are your new slippers? Coffee thing. I only won the pillow. So yeah, it was like a 40 minute talk and I was like, this will be pretty good content and I’m really fucking pumped that I won this pillow because I never won anything.
I should have written down more of the statistics. Imagine if we had sent you, if you had agreed to go to the Freedom Rally, what you would have won there. Nothing.
We would have won some Jordan Peterson books or something. Gross. So how are your new slippers? I didn’t win slippers.
I just won the pillow. And you’re saying there’s $5 something or other? Yes, I’m a win $5 coffee.
A lot of people won pillows for different things. Yes. Yeah.
Which I felt was the best. Wait. I’m not sure. He’s a sleep country. And he’s giving away coffee. Yeah. That’s the antithesis of his whole mission.
No, because he’s like as a joke, like you don’t have a good mattress. Here’s a coffee to keep you awake kind of thing. Okay.
Yeah. Hardy Har Har. He should have set people up with better mattress. He should have given out air mattresses.
I don’t think you get that good sleep on an air mattress. I don’t. So after your talk, where’d you go, Sydney? Oh, so then I went home. Because then it was like six.
And then the toilet was closed. Yeah. There was over 450 vendors and you named maybe about six of them.
Yeah. Did you look through the kitchen people in their displays? There wasn’t any good kitchen stuff.
There was like a pan. Did they not have like special cabinets you could have to put your toaster inside? Well, I can’t have new cabinets because I rent.
So like, I don’t know why you thought I was going to go deep diving on cabinets. I will refer you to the top of the episode where I said your new house with all your Bitcoin money that you’re going to get. But I need to buy a car first. You need to plan ahead.
The way when you got the new house, you’ve already got the idea of how you’re going to transform it. I did like circle around all of the billy contractory ones and do like a wedding ring check. But you know, everyone seemed married. Don’t let that stop you. I used to have someone that could build shit because I can’t build shit. And then there was like a carpenter one and they had tiny stairs and I was like, these are tiny stairs for dogs. No, it was the Nate Carpentry program. Stupid.
Well, you should be able to find some single guys there. I think you should consider that anyone who can build regular stairs can build tinier stairs. It’s the same technology. This is a good point.
I think it’s still going. No, big stairs are harder. Yeah, you’re right. But it’s still, Chris’s point was if they can build regular stairs, they can build tiny square stairs. I don’t need tiny stairs. I just thought they were cute and I wanted it to be for dogs and it wasn’t for dogs. It was just a mock-up of big stairs.
So you approached them with your business idea. It didn’t. We’ll get back there. It’s still going on right now.
No. And then I got you this fireplace card because they had good fireplaces and I thought you should get one. We are thinking about redoing our fireplace. And then I know that Sheryl doesn’t like trees and I thought one of these was about getting rid of trees. Flashback to our having to kill a tree. What was it to make sure that your marriage is successful?
Yes, correct. I think it was because you married the tree first. You married the tree first. Here’s a tiny house one.
Sydney still refuses to tell us which tree she hopes dies. And another baby house. Nice. I like the one that looks like an alcohol barrel. Oh yeah.
It’s like one of those saunas. That is. You can have it.
I think this is a duplicate. I picked most of these up off a bench. These are saunas, Sydney. It’s a tiny house. So the Holy Maid Market, in case you’re curious, is actually a craft fair sale. Oh that’s cool. So it’s actually kind of fun to go to.
Chris and I have been a couple times. So Sydney, obviously it sounds like you hated every moment. No, I won something. Except for the one part where you won something.
Yeah, that was the best part. Would you recommend other people go? If you have a house and you have actual questions, I mean it’s $7.
Oh, they had a big ping pong place. I don’t know if even if you had actual questions you would have asked them of anyone. No, I wouldn’t have. I would have googled them. And I did know most of the sleep stuff already because I’ve had trouble sleeping most of my life, but I won a pillow. And you could have learned more about hot tubs, but neither did you talk to someone. I’m not going to be lured into a hot tub layer, okay? You put your print handouts on the edge like a normal vendor. I’ve been to these shows.
I know how this works. They didn’t even have nothing on the edge. And neither did you Google. I didn’t Google. You’re just ordering people to get hot tubs for your benefit. Yeah.
You don’t even know what kind of hot, what if we get the wrong kind and you hate it? I’ll just get a new brother. So there. Just start over. Yeah. Get adopted. Yeah. So Sydney, what would have made The Home and Garden show better for someone who’s like you?
Having a home or a garden. No. Like the show. Would have been a little bit more or a bit comfortable. How would they make the show better? For I don’t know they could have had like rent or friendly stuff there, but they didn’t it’s all like major rent I was in construction, but if you go on the tick tox they’ll tell you how to do rent or friendly hacks 3m should have set up a booth Mm-hmm. I mean you could just go there and not have things like you watched all of the 100 But you express no interest in going into space But I could now if I had to because I’ve seen the 100 like six times so you could I’m ready for this base of Decorate your home now.
You’ve gone to the convention. I Was also looking for like faucets in the kitchen that pull down because I really hate our faucet And if I could just fix that for under $200 I would probably just fix it is better if your faucet pulls down Did they have pull you down faucets? No, I couldn’t find one and I was like what visit the home garden show Why is it better if you pull them down? It’s just better You just clean the sink faster clean big pans Mm-hmm. It’s a sink. There’s not a lot to it.
So this is not gonna be like a long list of benefits. I mean You could always turn a knob you could in no but water falls down into your pan But then you have to like if you have a big pan, then you gotta be turning it around So gets everywhere. So you just want a hose. Yeah, the kitchen. So Sydney likes a lot of hose in her kitchen Would you recommend anyone you know to go to the home and garden show? Meh, if you have a home and garden the day of cool there is no garden stuff like the garden stuff was like Huge gazebo with a waterfall. What would you what were you expecting for a garden section? Maybe pots? Maybe a garden bed. I don’t know dirt there’s wood chips Did you get any ideas for other people’s houses?
No Beyond hot tubs just hot tubs. I have a pop quiz for both of you What do you guys think is the most expensive house in Edmonton? How much you caught think it costs seven and a half million dollars City eight million six million Currently available. Oh, we’re really available. There was eight million dollars.
Wow. And what do you think is the cheapest house? Currently available in Edmonton. I’m gonna go like under a hundred grand Like a real fixer upper. I’m gonna go forty grand the cheapest one that I can find this is on the live real estate Website I have to skip over the one that’s just a vacant lot of a fence around it because well, that’s not a house It’s five hundred and sixty nine thousand dollars. I can’t be right For houses, that’s what’s available right now Five sixty nine thousand wait one sec.
Yeah, a lot of these are just lots. Oh, here we go half a million dollars Here we go. I found it a hundred and thirty thousand dollars Yeah, oh Yeah, but garbage houses have come up in price.
I was gonna say to be fair. There’s only one photo and it looks very ominous Sydney, that’s your new home. That’s a cool gate. Yeah 133 for that. Yeah, 130 like nice big window in the front with curtains so you can creep out Peek at people. Yeah, I think we judge them I go on a lot of like rental and buying sites just to see what’s out there Just keep tabs on the market Open houses mm-hmm. We definitely sell houses for three fifty four hundred thousand in Edmonton Yes, I the one thing that’s a bit of an issue with some of the real estate sites is that they put you ask them to like Put it in order of cheapest most expensive and then they’ll go featured. Yeah for the top ones and that’s annoying Sydney, what are you gonna spend on your future house? Where I don’t know by the time I can buy house everything’s gonna be a million dollars You know is get a mortgage You’re just gonna buy a house outright cash. Yeah, I see we have seen some of those houses that have been like cash only so good luck Yeah We’ll send them your way.
Yeah. Yeah car first I reckon because you can live in a car if you have to RV hard to park Use park and Walmart’s like all RV owners do Well, Sydney, we will never send you to another Edmonton home and garden show again Well, I might go if I could win stuff I didn’t know I could win stuff when I went and we won’t send you for not just the reason that you just breeze through this one without Looking at anything. I didn’t breeze through. I was there for like two and a half hours You only were planning for one hour. Yeah, I recall and then someone made it obvious that you could get free stuff Yeah So one but the lesson through it again The lesson is that the grass isn’t always more Disney on the other side Because that show I’ve rolled bad reviews. Yeah, and there and now I’m getting aggressive Facebook advertising For discounts for the Disney thing But only on the weekday. So what day are you going? I’m not gonna go everyone says bad.
How much of a discount 25%? Okay, and the number two reason why we’ll never ever send you to that again is We should probably announce it now that we are going to be bringing the podcast to an end This year this will be our fourth and final season So after this point, we’ll have about three more episodes just to finish off our full season And then we’re closing up shop and then Sydney will never have to go outside again. Thank God Which is a very real possibility. Yes, maybe I am also pondering a little mini prologue Just to see whose predictions came true from our New Year’s episode We will probably really set around New Year’s time. Oh, yeah, yep, I forgot what I predicted That’s why Krista is the editor because he knows all that stuff No, he just thinks to write stuff down. I think at this point. I am the most predictive I could know stuff too if I just wrote it down. I predicted that there would be a huge AI hoax and the Willy Wonka experience Definitely made it.
Yeah around the world. Yeah But the art on that like looks AI generated. That’s why it’s an AI hoax But like how do people fall for that?
Do you not know the story? I know it But I’m just confused on how people like when you look at the art it looks AI generated. Yeah So the job posting AI generated the scripts for all the actors AI generated Photos AI generated like everything that could be done with but with AI was done with AI Making an AI hoax because people fell for it. Yeah, I guess so which means I am more psychic than you Sydney There’s also a good one about Elon Musk. It will give you $20,000 in Bitcoin and it’s like a really good deep fake.
So it looks exactly like him Talking and saying is gonna give you 20 grand. Mm-hmm. They’re gonna make that against the law pretty soon Yeah I’m glad that I was able to use 11 labs voice cloner to make you say things that you never said That’s very rude of you before it was against the law Yeah, I Should release those.
Yep. No, I should Close this whole podcast with a bunch of things of you saying Things you wouldn’t say. That’s very rude I’m gonna have you give out your personal phone number and be like please call me and talk to me and ask me questions And ask me to interact You’re a rude dude and I brought you cookies that brings us to the end of today’s a very special episode of the I went outside today Podcast. Bye. This is your host Chris signing off. This is Sheryl saying have a good day. I’m Sydney. I did the thing. Bye You

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